Just a small request for some prayers for my voice.....
I'm losing it! I've had a dry cough for a few days and
this morning I woke up and I'm losing my voice. Most
of you know I need my voice for work, lol I do phone
support....so I kind of need it. Ha ha! Anyways if you
have a few seconds just pray it comes back quick!!!
Thank you Lord!
I just want to thank my Lord and Savior for keeping me
safe today! I have been so blessed to have never had a
wreck before, until today.
I was coming back from lunch and it had started to sleet
really bad....I was driving EXTRA slow coming over some
rail road tracks and then my tail end spun out from me
and I did a complete 360 and ended up in the opposite lane
facing the opposite direction in a ditch!!!
I have never been so scared in my life! Even though it
was a small wreck it was so loud when I hit the ditch...
I thought it was going to flip over!
My neck & shoulders are sore....I probably tensed up a
bit......I can't even remember everything that happened
b/c it all happened so fast! It could have been MUCH
worse, and I thank God it wasn't! I am also thankful the
girls were not with me!!
God was keeping me safe that's for sure!!!!
The LORD is my strength and my song;
He has become my salvation.
He is my God, and I will praise him,
my father's God, and I will exalt him.
Exodus 15:2
safe today! I have been so blessed to have never had a
wreck before, until today.
I was coming back from lunch and it had started to sleet
really bad....I was driving EXTRA slow coming over some
rail road tracks and then my tail end spun out from me
and I did a complete 360 and ended up in the opposite lane
facing the opposite direction in a ditch!!!
I have never been so scared in my life! Even though it
was a small wreck it was so loud when I hit the ditch...
I thought it was going to flip over!
My neck & shoulders are sore....I probably tensed up a
bit......I can't even remember everything that happened
b/c it all happened so fast! It could have been MUCH
worse, and I thank God it wasn't! I am also thankful the
girls were not with me!!
God was keeping me safe that's for sure!!!!
The LORD is my strength and my song;
He has become my salvation.
He is my God, and I will praise him,
my father's God, and I will exalt him.
Exodus 15:2

Getting to know each other......
Getting to know each other is fun, isn't it? Below are lists of things about me--
50 things I love, and 50 things that bug me.
Leave a comment below with something you love or something
that bugs you--I'll pick a winner and that winner wins a free Digital Photo Frame!
You must leave your real email address so I can hunt you down and find you :)
things i love (in random order)
1 clean bed sheets
2 curling up on the couch with a warm blanket
3 my laptop
4 big family dinners
5 going to the movies
6 a glass of wine, a book, and a big bubble bath
7 grey’s anatomy
8 when something i ordered online shows up and i forgot i had ordered it
9 friends that pick up where we left off
10 my girls
11 my hubby
12 jeans that are fresh out of the dryer and still fit
13 st.louis cardinal games
14 jesus
15 brownies
16 going out to eat
17 canon
18 good hair days
19 my ipod
20 jon & kate plus 8
21 being cozy
22 my new house
23 seeing elderly couples holding hands
24 pampered chef
25 finding $$$ in my pocket, old purse, drawer, or shelf
26 date nights
27 ebay
28 having tons of food in my fridge
29 taking road trips
30 when my girls make me something
31 family game nights
32 roast & potatoes
33 facebook
34 the bible
35 watching the colts play
36 soggy cereal (yes, really)
37 mid-day naps
38 red velvet cake
39 being caught up on my photo editing
40 my mom
41 birthdays
42 shabby chic
43 laughing
44 sweatshirts
45 reality tv
46 candles
47 when I get honest comments about my photography
48 browsing the web
49 relaxing
50 getting a new cell phone
things that bug me
1 fruit
2 fake people/friends
3 when i buy a dvd and can't fast forward through the previews
4 people who drive to close to my bumper
5 when christmas decorations come out before halloween
6 paper cuts, especially in the joints of my fingers
7 dark meat chicken
8 when i check the mail and there are only bills
9 when people speak other languages at the nail salon
10 the free credit repot dot com commercials
11 the commercials that say they will pay off your debt (if you owe people just pay them)
12 being sick
13 the sound of scratching jeans/clothes (UGH) with your nails
14 customers calling our “help” desk, only to act like THEY know it all
15 hypocrites
16 when joe shakes his head at something I say
17 cold days with no snow
18 cigarette smoke
19 snakes
20 people that can’t control their kids in public
21 cheating spouses
22 things that need batteries, but don’t come with them
23 computer viruses
24 the movie crash
25 socks with sandles
26 extra packaging on kids toys
27 irritating people
28 dust
29 marshmallow peeps
30 my children vomiting or anyone else for that matter
31 people who complain about everything
32 people who file a suit on everyone for anything
33 disloyalty
34 people putting their feet on the seat at the movie theatre
35 pregnant women smoking/drinking
36 people who are always late
37 people who make a big deal about passing me on the road -
only to turn off the road within a quarter mile of passing me.
38 dogs/pets that jump on me
39 being stuck in traffic
40 the guys at the gym who slam the weights around, grunt a lot
41 moms & dads that are at the bars every weekend
42 people who call late at night and say “did I wake you?”
43 pants that are too short
44 broccoli
45 pictures that are out of focus
46 public restrooms
47 bad hair days
48 chicago cubs fans
49 bills
50 wal-mart
50 things I love, and 50 things that bug me.
Leave a comment below with something you love or something
that bugs you--I'll pick a winner and that winner wins a free Digital Photo Frame!
You must leave your real email address so I can hunt you down and find you :)
things i love (in random order)
1 clean bed sheets
2 curling up on the couch with a warm blanket
3 my laptop
4 big family dinners
5 going to the movies
6 a glass of wine, a book, and a big bubble bath
7 grey’s anatomy
8 when something i ordered online shows up and i forgot i had ordered it
9 friends that pick up where we left off
10 my girls
11 my hubby
12 jeans that are fresh out of the dryer and still fit
13 st.louis cardinal games
14 jesus
15 brownies
16 going out to eat
17 canon
18 good hair days
19 my ipod
20 jon & kate plus 8
21 being cozy
22 my new house
23 seeing elderly couples holding hands
24 pampered chef
25 finding $$$ in my pocket, old purse, drawer, or shelf
26 date nights
27 ebay
28 having tons of food in my fridge
29 taking road trips
30 when my girls make me something
31 family game nights
32 roast & potatoes
33 facebook
34 the bible
35 watching the colts play
36 soggy cereal (yes, really)
37 mid-day naps
38 red velvet cake
39 being caught up on my photo editing
40 my mom
41 birthdays
42 shabby chic
43 laughing
44 sweatshirts
45 reality tv
46 candles
47 when I get honest comments about my photography
48 browsing the web
49 relaxing
50 getting a new cell phone
things that bug me
1 fruit
2 fake people/friends
3 when i buy a dvd and can't fast forward through the previews
4 people who drive to close to my bumper
5 when christmas decorations come out before halloween
6 paper cuts, especially in the joints of my fingers
7 dark meat chicken
8 when i check the mail and there are only bills
9 when people speak other languages at the nail salon
10 the free credit repot dot com commercials
11 the commercials that say they will pay off your debt (if you owe people just pay them)
12 being sick
13 the sound of scratching jeans/clothes (UGH) with your nails
14 customers calling our “help” desk, only to act like THEY know it all
15 hypocrites
16 when joe shakes his head at something I say
17 cold days with no snow
18 cigarette smoke
19 snakes
20 people that can’t control their kids in public
21 cheating spouses
22 things that need batteries, but don’t come with them
23 computer viruses
24 the movie crash
25 socks with sandles
26 extra packaging on kids toys
27 irritating people
28 dust
29 marshmallow peeps
30 my children vomiting or anyone else for that matter
31 people who complain about everything
32 people who file a suit on everyone for anything
33 disloyalty
34 people putting their feet on the seat at the movie theatre
35 pregnant women smoking/drinking
36 people who are always late
37 people who make a big deal about passing me on the road -
only to turn off the road within a quarter mile of passing me.
38 dogs/pets that jump on me
39 being stuck in traffic
40 the guys at the gym who slam the weights around, grunt a lot
41 moms & dads that are at the bars every weekend
42 people who call late at night and say “did I wake you?”
43 pants that are too short
44 broccoli
45 pictures that are out of focus
46 public restrooms
47 bad hair days
48 chicago cubs fans
49 bills
50 wal-mart
The Nice List......
Of Course my girls are on the nice list this year...
Just ask Santa!!
Just ask Santa!!
My award.......
WOW, I never thought I would get an award for my blog, but I
feel very honored! Thanks Jamie, you’re a sweetheart!!! I
love reading your stories…you always bring a smile to my face,
if I’m not spitting out my drink while reading it haha!!!
Here are the rules to receiving this award:
1. You have to pass it on to 5 other fabulous bloggers
in a post.
2. You have to list 5 of your fabulous addictions in
the post.
3. You must copy and paste the rules and the instructions
below in the post.
Instructions: On your post of receiving this award, make
sure you include the person that gave you the award and
link it back to them.
I am going to nominate five Fabulous people:
1. Lacy Jeffers – From “The Jeffers Clan” blog……Lacy has
such a kind heart. When I read her blog, she inspires me
to me selfless, and to think of others first! Plus I love
seeing the adorable pictures of Leighton!
2. Ashlye Fisher – From the “Almost Divine” blog….Not only
is it the cutest title ever for a blog (Divine will be her
last name) Ashlye is such a sweetheart! Her love for her
daughter & fiancé Jordan is moving!
3. Courtney – From “the Owens Family” blog…….Courtney is
such a sweet gal! I love reading her updates on the family
and how she shares so many pictures ( I love pictures if you
didn’t already know)
4. Jess – From “The Gingerich Family” Blog………..Jess is such
a great friend, and I enjoy reading her blog. Even though we
can see one another’s houses…..we don’t get to chat as much as
we like….so I love to read her updates!!
5. Aimee from – “Life as a Zobel” blog……Aimee is one of my
newest blogging friends, but we’ve know each other for over
10 years! Aimee will always be like a sister to me!! I can’t
wait to see what her blog brings!!!
OK now my 5 addictions????
1. My number one addiction would have to be taking pictures.
I’m really trying to keep it a hobby and not a “job”. That’s
why I keep a limited amount of sessions/week & month.
2. My kids! I would say that they are number one…..but I know
just like they do, we sometimes need a break from each other lol!
They are my little sugar pies, but can be such stinker butts too!
3. Computers. I guess you can call me a geek (Just ask Kayla)
I love being on my laptop! (Just ask Joe, he’ll roll his eyes,
ha ha) Working in the internet department is to blame for this!
Ask anyone what I would bring with me to a deserted island…they’d
tell you my laptop! Knowing my luck we’d have no internet!
4. Joe! Believe it or not, I cannot get enough of my hubby lately.
I have been so sick, and he has taken care of me like never before!
I am so blessed!
5. Jesus! I really need to be more addicted to him than any of the
above……but it’s something I’m striving for as a sinner in this world.
But I would say I AM addicted to him by far! His love is amazing!
I go through spurts though….sometime I get caught up in all these
silly earthy things, and forget that he brings me so much more
pleasure than any of them!
feel very honored! Thanks Jamie, you’re a sweetheart!!! I
love reading your stories…you always bring a smile to my face,
if I’m not spitting out my drink while reading it haha!!!

Here are the rules to receiving this award:
1. You have to pass it on to 5 other fabulous bloggers
in a post.
2. You have to list 5 of your fabulous addictions in
the post.
3. You must copy and paste the rules and the instructions
below in the post.
Instructions: On your post of receiving this award, make
sure you include the person that gave you the award and
link it back to them.
I am going to nominate five Fabulous people:
1. Lacy Jeffers – From “The Jeffers Clan” blog……Lacy has
such a kind heart. When I read her blog, she inspires me
to me selfless, and to think of others first! Plus I love
seeing the adorable pictures of Leighton!
2. Ashlye Fisher – From the “Almost Divine” blog….Not only
is it the cutest title ever for a blog (Divine will be her
last name) Ashlye is such a sweetheart! Her love for her
daughter & fiancé Jordan is moving!
3. Courtney – From “the Owens Family” blog…….Courtney is
such a sweet gal! I love reading her updates on the family
and how she shares so many pictures ( I love pictures if you
didn’t already know)
4. Jess – From “The Gingerich Family” Blog………..Jess is such
a great friend, and I enjoy reading her blog. Even though we
can see one another’s houses…..we don’t get to chat as much as
we like….so I love to read her updates!!
5. Aimee from – “Life as a Zobel” blog……Aimee is one of my
newest blogging friends, but we’ve know each other for over
10 years! Aimee will always be like a sister to me!! I can’t
wait to see what her blog brings!!!
OK now my 5 addictions????
1. My number one addiction would have to be taking pictures.
I’m really trying to keep it a hobby and not a “job”. That’s
why I keep a limited amount of sessions/week & month.
2. My kids! I would say that they are number one…..but I know
just like they do, we sometimes need a break from each other lol!
They are my little sugar pies, but can be such stinker butts too!
3. Computers. I guess you can call me a geek (Just ask Kayla)
I love being on my laptop! (Just ask Joe, he’ll roll his eyes,
ha ha) Working in the internet department is to blame for this!
Ask anyone what I would bring with me to a deserted island…they’d
tell you my laptop! Knowing my luck we’d have no internet!
4. Joe! Believe it or not, I cannot get enough of my hubby lately.
I have been so sick, and he has taken care of me like never before!
I am so blessed!
5. Jesus! I really need to be more addicted to him than any of the
above……but it’s something I’m striving for as a sinner in this world.
But I would say I AM addicted to him by far! His love is amazing!
I go through spurts though….sometime I get caught up in all these
silly earthy things, and forget that he brings me so much more
pleasure than any of them!
Looking for a gift idea.................
There's nothing more that I love, than my portraits on
my walls of my two girls. When you look at a photo it
automatically brings you back to that day, that moment!
It is such a precious memory frozen in time! So what better,
than to get your loved ones a portrait session for Christmas!
I'm now selling gift certificates for my photography. If you
would like to purchase a certificate in the amount of a
session fee ($40)or more (would go towards portraits selected),
let me know! Please note these can be used to purchase portraits
for those that have already had a session with me, but wished
they could have ordered more!
My photography sessions will be starting back up in March if
not sooner, once my studio is complete! Don't forget that
Maternity & Newborn sessions are still on-going! These
certificates will be good up until December of 2009!
So don't miss out!!!
my walls of my two girls. When you look at a photo it
automatically brings you back to that day, that moment!
It is such a precious memory frozen in time! So what better,
than to get your loved ones a portrait session for Christmas!
I'm now selling gift certificates for my photography. If you
would like to purchase a certificate in the amount of a
session fee ($40)or more (would go towards portraits selected),
let me know! Please note these can be used to purchase portraits
for those that have already had a session with me, but wished
they could have ordered more!
My photography sessions will be starting back up in March if
not sooner, once my studio is complete! Don't forget that
Maternity & Newborn sessions are still on-going! These
certificates will be good up until December of 2009!
So don't miss out!!!
I received this email today about the accident @ Antioch......
As some may know already - there was an accident at Antioch
around noon today. A McAlister service truck headed east ran
off the highway and ran into the north east side of the Antioch
building coming into the Rainbow Ark Preschool. Thankfully
the preschool was not in session today with it being Thursday.
A Graber Post Construction crew had been working on putting
a new roof on the old part of the building this week and one of
their construction workers was ran over by the service truck
before it hit the building. His name is Ervin Knepp from
Montgomery. They have taken him by helicopter to Indianapolis.
We are not really sure of his condition at this time only that he
was conscious after the accident. Please pray for Ervin, his family,
and the Graber Post crew as they are all pretty shook up. As bad
as it seems right now we also give praise to God the Father as it
really could have been much worse. Please join with us in prayer
and thanks over the events of this day, for God's sovereignty
in all things.
As some may know already - there was an accident at Antioch
around noon today. A McAlister service truck headed east ran
off the highway and ran into the north east side of the Antioch
building coming into the Rainbow Ark Preschool. Thankfully
the preschool was not in session today with it being Thursday.
A Graber Post Construction crew had been working on putting
a new roof on the old part of the building this week and one of
their construction workers was ran over by the service truck
before it hit the building. His name is Ervin Knepp from
Montgomery. They have taken him by helicopter to Indianapolis.
We are not really sure of his condition at this time only that he
was conscious after the accident. Please pray for Ervin, his family,
and the Graber Post crew as they are all pretty shook up. As bad
as it seems right now we also give praise to God the Father as it
really could have been much worse. Please join with us in prayer
and thanks over the events of this day, for God's sovereignty
in all things.
Another year older.......
Today is my birthday! Yippie for me :) One more year closer to 30
LOL Kayla, Craig, Joe, and I celebrated at Mi Pueblo and Craig had
them sing to me - haha! I had to wear the sombrero. I thought
about just wearing it all night....but then changed my mind LOL
After we ate we went to see Four Christmases. OMG, this movie
was so funny. I seriously laughed so hard that I had to excuse
myself to the restroom!!!! haha I just love Vince Vaughn, he made
the movie! If you haven't saw the previews, ck it out.....
My baby girl Alli Jo woke up this morning, and said,
"Happy Bufday Mommy"! How precious! Hunter gave me a card,
but said I have to wait until tonight to get my present LOL
Tonight we are going to eat with my parents at the Gasthof.
It's become a tradition.
Well till the next time...........
LOL Kayla, Craig, Joe, and I celebrated at Mi Pueblo and Craig had
them sing to me - haha! I had to wear the sombrero. I thought
about just wearing it all night....but then changed my mind LOL
After we ate we went to see Four Christmases. OMG, this movie
was so funny. I seriously laughed so hard that I had to excuse
myself to the restroom!!!! haha I just love Vince Vaughn, he made
the movie! If you haven't saw the previews, ck it out.....
My baby girl Alli Jo woke up this morning, and said,
"Happy Bufday Mommy"! How precious! Hunter gave me a card,
but said I have to wait until tonight to get my present LOL
Tonight we are going to eat with my parents at the Gasthof.
It's become a tradition.
Well till the next time...........

Well Thanksgiving break is over and it's time to focus on
Christmas now! I hosted my first Thanksgiving meal at
our new home......and to Joe's surprise I did not burn
anything LOL! He did say my mashed potatoes needed
more "something", but I told him we can't all be 4 star
chefs like him, ha ha! Everyone else seemed to enjoy them,
as I had none left to even dispose of. After lunch, the ladies
ended up playing board games, while the men took naps!
The next morning, I did go shopping.....but I didn't go until
about 6am. Joe and Alli both went with me......Hunter didn't
want to do the shopping thing (don't blame her) so she stayed
with her dad. I went to both Jasper & Washington wal-marts
and pretty much finished the girl's Christmas lists.
Sunday we went to our weekly wal-mart trip and got our
groceries....while we were there we saw someone that looked
a little out of place LOL It was SANTA!!!! Alli Jo wasn't so
sure about him.......but she was not feeling so well either. I
had to bribe Hunter to sit with him, b/c she said she was too
old (boo hoo, my baby is too old for Santa)

After wal-mart we went home to unload groceries, then I
went back to Washington to take Alli to that quick care
clinic. She has been so sick with a sinus-type infection. Let
me tell ya, the trip was not quick for us that day LOL We
were there for 2.5hrs!!!! Not the way you want to spend
your Sunday afternoon! If it weren't for the dr & nurses
being so nice, I'd never go back!
Till the next time...............
Christmas now! I hosted my first Thanksgiving meal at
our new home......and to Joe's surprise I did not burn
anything LOL! He did say my mashed potatoes needed
more "something", but I told him we can't all be 4 star
chefs like him, ha ha! Everyone else seemed to enjoy them,
as I had none left to even dispose of. After lunch, the ladies
ended up playing board games, while the men took naps!
The next morning, I did go shopping.....but I didn't go until
about 6am. Joe and Alli both went with me......Hunter didn't
want to do the shopping thing (don't blame her) so she stayed
with her dad. I went to both Jasper & Washington wal-marts
and pretty much finished the girl's Christmas lists.
Sunday we went to our weekly wal-mart trip and got our
groceries....while we were there we saw someone that looked
a little out of place LOL It was SANTA!!!! Alli Jo wasn't so
sure about him.......but she was not feeling so well either. I
had to bribe Hunter to sit with him, b/c she said she was too
old (boo hoo, my baby is too old for Santa)

After wal-mart we went home to unload groceries, then I
went back to Washington to take Alli to that quick care
clinic. She has been so sick with a sinus-type infection. Let
me tell ya, the trip was not quick for us that day LOL We
were there for 2.5hrs!!!! Not the way you want to spend
your Sunday afternoon! If it weren't for the dr & nurses
being so nice, I'd never go back!
Till the next time...............

Weekend Over! Wew
Well our weekend didn't start out too well.....Hunter was
sick from school on Friday. She had a dr. appt at 1:45, but
we didn't get in until 2:45. Then we waited for about another
45 minutes once we were in. It was horrible! We thought we
had a good shot of getting in first b/c we were the first in the
waiting room. Can you imagine what I was thinking while I sat
there and watched people go in front of us for over an hour!!!
We thought Hunter might have pink eye, but turned out to be a
really bad sinus infection. Since her ducts aren't closed yet, she had
very similar symptoms to pink eye. She got an antibiotic and we
finally were on our way home.
So Saturday Hunter had gymnastics down in Jasper. She is
getting sooooo good! She can do a back handspring with help!
I am so proud of her! She has come so far since she's been there!
After gymnastics I went to take some photos of Hunter's Aunt
Aimee & her family. Let me tell you it was FREEZING!!!!!!!!!!!
But we survived! Here are a few shots from that day.......
Aimee is due with her 2nd baby next spring
Her handsome lil guy, Austin
sick from school on Friday. She had a dr. appt at 1:45, but
we didn't get in until 2:45. Then we waited for about another
45 minutes once we were in. It was horrible! We thought we
had a good shot of getting in first b/c we were the first in the
waiting room. Can you imagine what I was thinking while I sat
there and watched people go in front of us for over an hour!!!
We thought Hunter might have pink eye, but turned out to be a
really bad sinus infection. Since her ducts aren't closed yet, she had
very similar symptoms to pink eye. She got an antibiotic and we
finally were on our way home.
So Saturday Hunter had gymnastics down in Jasper. She is
getting sooooo good! She can do a back handspring with help!
I am so proud of her! She has come so far since she's been there!
After gymnastics I went to take some photos of Hunter's Aunt
Aimee & her family. Let me tell you it was FREEZING!!!!!!!!!!!
But we survived! Here are a few shots from that day.......
Aimee is due with her 2nd baby next spring
Her handsome lil guy, Austin
So Friday night Hunter was supposed to have Olivia her BFF
spend the night, well that night was out of the picture b/c she
was still a lil sick. I told her if she felt better Sat she could have
her over. So Saturday night came, and Hunter's eyes were
cleared up and she felt much better. Olivia came over to stay
the night. She is such a sweet lil girl! So pretty too :) They were
on their best behavior. I took a lil snap shot of them getting
ready to crash.
In the middle of the night Saturday I got really sick. I thought
I either had the flu or food poisoning. Joe thought I was nuts b/c
I ended up stripping down my clothes and turning on the fan
(it was 20 degrees outside)! But I felt so hot!! I started feeling
worse once the morning came. Joe ended up taking Olivia home.
I had 3 shoots scheduled that day and had to cancel, I felt horrible!
I was glad it was close friends, b/c they were all so understanding.
I am so ready for this flu season to be behind us!!!!!!
Today I'm feeling a lot better, wew!
Till the next time........
What a night!!!!!!
Well last night started out crazy. We started getting out
some things to see what we wanted to get rid of. The
girls went nuts b/c they had not seen some of this stuff
for over a year! So here I am trying to go through things
and then they both would scatter things everywhere!!
So I was in Hunter's room going through clothes and I
hear Joe ask Alli, "What are you eating?" And I hear
Alli's response, "Medicine". OMG, I flipped!!!! I jumped
up and ran into her room.....Joe found a bottle of chewable
tylenol open and the cotton spread all over the place. Joe's
asking her how many she ate.....while I'm yelling at him
that SHE CAN'T COUNT!!! So I call my mom to see how
many pills she has given the girls since she bought it the
night before. She told me, then I started subtracting that
number plus the number left in the bottle from what was
originally in there. I figured up she chewed 10-12!!
I started to freak a little b/c I wasn't sure what to do. I am
usually pretty good about panic-type situations, but not
last night. I called her on-call pediatrician, and she was not
available, so I asked to talk to the ER. They gave me the
poison control number to call. I called there, and spoke with
a really nice lady. She asked me the main ingredient in the
medicine, and how many mgs, etc. She told me Alli Jo was
going to be fine b/c the amount she took was not toxic. She
said she would be really sleepy tonight, and to make sure
she did not take any more Tylenol until after 48 hrs.
So she was right, Alli Jo was so tired! I actually had to wake
her up this morning!!! I kept checking on her in the middle
of the night to make sure she was breathing...and she was
just fine. But boy did that stinker scare us!!!
Till next time..........
some things to see what we wanted to get rid of. The
girls went nuts b/c they had not seen some of this stuff
for over a year! So here I am trying to go through things
and then they both would scatter things everywhere!!
So I was in Hunter's room going through clothes and I
hear Joe ask Alli, "What are you eating?" And I hear
Alli's response, "Medicine". OMG, I flipped!!!! I jumped
up and ran into her room.....Joe found a bottle of chewable
tylenol open and the cotton spread all over the place. Joe's
asking her how many she ate.....while I'm yelling at him
that SHE CAN'T COUNT!!! So I call my mom to see how
many pills she has given the girls since she bought it the
night before. She told me, then I started subtracting that
number plus the number left in the bottle from what was
originally in there. I figured up she chewed 10-12!!
I started to freak a little b/c I wasn't sure what to do. I am
usually pretty good about panic-type situations, but not
last night. I called her on-call pediatrician, and she was not
available, so I asked to talk to the ER. They gave me the
poison control number to call. I called there, and spoke with
a really nice lady. She asked me the main ingredient in the
medicine, and how many mgs, etc. She told me Alli Jo was
going to be fine b/c the amount she took was not toxic. She
said she would be really sleepy tonight, and to make sure
she did not take any more Tylenol until after 48 hrs.
So she was right, Alli Jo was so tired! I actually had to wake
her up this morning!!! I kept checking on her in the middle
of the night to make sure she was breathing...and she was
just fine. But boy did that stinker scare us!!!
Till next time..........

100th Post & First Items Up!
This is my 100th post! Woo Hoo!!!
And I got a few items up today. I will get more on
tomorrow! Don't forget to email me if you have ANY
And I got a few items up today. I will get more on
tomorrow! Don't forget to email me if you have ANY
My Virtual Yard Sale
Just wanted to tell everyone about one
of my new blogs, Leah's Virtual Yard
Sale!!! I'm so excited about this!
Because we built the new home, we are
not taking everything from our previous
home in. Sooooo, these things MUST go!
B/C of the weather, and time....I cannot
physically have a yard sale. So I will be
having an on-going virtual yard sale.
Please follow this blog, b/c you won’t
want to miss out on some GREAT deals!! I
will have everything from girls clothes
newborn - size 6, to home decor, toys,
kitchenware, books, and so much more!!!!
You can find the link on my side bar or
here is the direct link:
Don't forget to add it to your bloglist
and follow it, b/c you won't want to miss
of my new blogs, Leah's Virtual Yard
Sale!!! I'm so excited about this!
Because we built the new home, we are
not taking everything from our previous
home in. Sooooo, these things MUST go!
B/C of the weather, and time....I cannot
physically have a yard sale. So I will be
having an on-going virtual yard sale.
Please follow this blog, b/c you won’t
want to miss out on some GREAT deals!! I
will have everything from girls clothes
newborn - size 6, to home decor, toys,
kitchenware, books, and so much more!!!!
You can find the link on my side bar or
here is the direct link:
Don't forget to add it to your bloglist
and follow it, b/c you won't want to miss
The "one"
Everyone searches for the "one" in their life. The one
to make you giggle, smile, love…. and the one who truly
wins your heart! I have been so blessed to find that
someone, in my husband of three years Joe.
I recently had a casual engagement shoot with my
friend Ashlye and her fiancé' Jordan. Let me tell you
folks, Ashlye has found the "one" for her! I didn't
have to direct these two hardly at all.....they were so
in love and in the moment, it was like watching a
romantic movie!! Not to mention they both could be
actors/models....they're so darn good looking!!!

to make you giggle, smile, love…. and the one who truly
wins your heart! I have been so blessed to find that
someone, in my husband of three years Joe.
I recently had a casual engagement shoot with my
friend Ashlye and her fiancé' Jordan. Let me tell you
folks, Ashlye has found the "one" for her! I didn't
have to direct these two hardly at all.....they were so
in love and in the moment, it was like watching a
romantic movie!! Not to mention they both could be
actors/models....they're so darn good looking!!!

Happy, Sad, Mean........
Alli Jo is quite the drama queen, I must say. So I wanted
to get her on video doing ALL her emotions haha!! Ck it
out, but please ignore the silly talking mommy hahaha!
(And if you're wondering what that is in her hand, it's a
potato, her new best friend LOL)
to get her on video doing ALL her emotions haha!! Ck it
out, but please ignore the silly talking mommy hahaha!
(And if you're wondering what that is in her hand, it's a
potato, her new best friend LOL)
One more day......
A friend of mine posted this poem today. It really made me
think & of course bawl my eyes out! I'm not going to lie and
say I deserve the mom of the year award. I struggle just as
any other mom, to make it through each day sane!
One thing I struggle with is "time". By the time I clean the
house, take the dog out, give the girls their baths, and then I
put them to bed.......where has the time gone???? Joe is really
good at helping, but the there still doesn't seem to be enough
hours in the day!
Last night I wanted to watch one of my favorite shows, Jon
and Kate plus 8. I'm not sure why this is a fav of mine, but
it is. I think I just sit there wondering how on earth two
parents can raise 8 children and still be sane, when I struggle
with my two girls. Well lately the girls have seemed to be stuck
on me like stick-tights. The minute I walk throught the door,
they are on me! I honestly cannot even go to the bathroom
without one ofthem trying to follow me. If I close the door and
lock it, one of them will just sit there or cry and bang on the door.
So back to watching my show......I ended up telling them to just
go to their room and watch their tv so mommy could have mommy
time. Then I read this poem this morning, and felt awful. Why
couldn't I have just DVR'd my show and went to do whatever they
were asking me to do???? I was being so selfish!! And I don't think
mom's can be selfish like I was. You don't know when your last day
is on this earth, and you most certainly don't know your children's
last day. Why waste those precious moments on watching some tv
show or cleaning when you can do that after they fall asleep???
So I plan on printing this poem off to remind me that spending
time with my kids & family is more important than cleaning,
watching tv, or any other thing to keep me from speding time
with them.
Here is the poem --might want to grab a tissue :)
*Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry,
and pick you up and take you to the park to play.
*Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink,
and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.
*Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep
the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow
*Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny
grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck
and I will buy you one if he comes by.
*Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are
going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision
I have made where you are concerned.
*Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies,
and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.
*Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy
us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.
*Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you
a story about how you were born and how much I love you.
*Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and
not get angry.
*Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on
the porch and count all the stars.
*Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and
miss my favorite TV shows.
*Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair
as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the
greatest gift ever given.
*I will think about the mothers And fathers who are searching
for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are
visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and
mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their
children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they
can't handle it anymore.
*And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter,
a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and
ask Him for nothing, except one more day.............
Hump Day
Well it's hump day; we're half way there lol
It seems like the weeks are just coming and going so
quick lately! I don't have too much going on this week.
I must say being in the new house has it's advantages
and disadvantages! I love having a house that's "ours".
We are so blessed that we have been able to build our
own home. I cannot thank God enough for what He
has given us! But, man...it's a lot of cleaning!! Ha ha!
The sad thing is we only have the main level done now.
I can't imagine what it's going to be like once the upstairs
and the basement is done!! It seems like I'm am
constantly picking something up or sweeping or wiping
of the counter! UGH!!!! But I wouldn't change anything
for the world!
Here are a few pics of the kitchen now that it's DONE!
It seems like the weeks are just coming and going so
quick lately! I don't have too much going on this week.
I must say being in the new house has it's advantages
and disadvantages! I love having a house that's "ours".
We are so blessed that we have been able to build our
own home. I cannot thank God enough for what He
has given us! But, man...it's a lot of cleaning!! Ha ha!
The sad thing is we only have the main level done now.
I can't imagine what it's going to be like once the upstairs
and the basement is done!! It seems like I'm am
constantly picking something up or sweeping or wiping
of the counter! UGH!!!! But I wouldn't change anything
for the world!
Here are a few pics of the kitchen now that it's DONE!
In Memory of Dr. Phil Dawkins
Many of you may not know, that I also have some heart problems.

While my mom was seeing Dr. Adam Dawkins, I had been seeing Dr.
Phil Dawkins (Adam's dad). Well this past weekend Dr. Phil Dawkins
passed away. I must say this saddens me so much; he was one of the
nicest dr's I've ever met! Any time I would mention the cardiologist
I was seeing; I'd hear nothing but nice words of him!
Please keep his family in your prayers!

Fall in love with the Jeffers
So I had a session this past Saturday with my good
friend Lacy. I am so blessed that Lacy has remained
in my life. She was actually a couple years younger
than me in high school (my sister's class), but we've
kept in touch through email and text messages (kind
of nice you can do that these days). Lacy is around
9 weeks pregnant and I am so happy for her & her family!
So hence my title "Fall in love with the Jeffers"
How can you not love this family???
LJ was not having it, when they first arrived. I don't
blame the little guy...it was on 50 degrees outside!!!!
After a few moments throwing leaves on mommy and
daddy....he was cute as a button!!! We had a blast!
friend Lacy. I am so blessed that Lacy has remained
in my life. She was actually a couple years younger
than me in high school (my sister's class), but we've
kept in touch through email and text messages (kind
of nice you can do that these days). Lacy is around
9 weeks pregnant and I am so happy for her & her family!
So hence my title "Fall in love with the Jeffers"
How can you not love this family???
LJ was not having it, when they first arrived. I don't
blame the little guy...it was on 50 degrees outside!!!!
After a few moments throwing leaves on mommy and
daddy....he was cute as a button!!! We had a blast!
Photo Sessions
I will not be taking any photo sessions after November 30th of
This year, until this coming March when the weather gets warm
again. Hopefully by then my studio will be done, and we won't ever
have to worry about this Indiana weather!!!! Although, I will do a
limited amount of maternity/newborn shoots, b/c those cannot wait
until weather gets warmer.
Thanks to all my clients who have given me a great year! You have
all inspired me to be a better photographer for 2009!!!!
This year, until this coming March when the weather gets warm
again. Hopefully by then my studio will be done, and we won't ever
have to worry about this Indiana weather!!!! Although, I will do a
limited amount of maternity/newborn shoots, b/c those cannot wait
until weather gets warmer.
Thanks to all my clients who have given me a great year! You have
all inspired me to be a better photographer for 2009!!!!

Well Halloween came and went. I didn't get many good pictures
of the girls. Alli Jo was sick that night, and didn't get to go trick-
or-treating. Hunter decided last minute she wanted to wear her
dance costume from last year, so I let her. It was a crazy night!
I got a few pictures from that weekend though.
We visited Hunter's g-pa and Aunt Aimee
This is Aimee's little boy Austin, what a doll!
I guess Alli thought he was a doll too Hahaha!!!
of the girls. Alli Jo was sick that night, and didn't get to go trick-
or-treating. Hunter decided last minute she wanted to wear her
dance costume from last year, so I let her. It was a crazy night!
I got a few pictures from that weekend though.
We visited Hunter's g-pa and Aunt Aimee
This is Aimee's little boy Austin, what a doll!
I guess Alli thought he was a doll too Hahaha!!!

Be still - trust Him!
"Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth."
-psalm 46:10
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth."
-psalm 46:10
Don't Vote LOL!!!
This is a little bit of reverse psychology telling you NOT to vote.
Pretty funny...check it out!
Pretty funny...check it out!
What a fun shoot!
With all that was happening with my mom, I forgot to
post pics from a shoot I did last week. We had a lot of
fun! This was for a dear friend of mine, Gina. Gina was
one of the first people to welcome Hunter and myself
to Barr Reeve last year. She is such a sweetie! She has
one of the prettiest families I've seen! Her girls just
melt my heart!! Olivia, her oldest daughter is BFF with
Hunter. They are two pees in a pod!!! Olivia is just
GORGEOUS!!! I could just stare at her all day!!! LOL
Update on my Mom
were thinking of and praying for my mom!!! You will
never know how much that means to me :) Jesus answered
our prayers this morning!! Thank you Lord!! Mom had a
cardio catherization procedure done this morning. They
found NO blockages anywhere!!!! Praise God!!
On the other hand, she has a very weak heart. Her heart
is pumping with half the strength a good heart pumps with.
The cardiologist said there are a couple things that could
be from....either an infection of some sort at one time or
high blood pressure. We already know mom has high blood
pressure....so that is what the dr. is guessing that has
caused her heart to become so weak. So he's keeping her
at the hospital for one more day at least....and they are
starting her on BP meds to keep her BP low. He thinks the
meds will help to strengthen her heart! I just want to
thanks God for giving her the dr. he did. His name is Dr.
Dawkins and he is AMAZING!!! He explained everything to us,
and was so friendly and informative!
Again, thank you so much for your prayers!!! Please keep
praying that mom's heart will recover & become stronger
than ever!!! Love you all!!! God Bless!!!!
were thinking of and praying for my mom!!! You will
never know how much that means to me :) Jesus answered
our prayers this morning!! Thank you Lord!! Mom had a
cardio catherization procedure done this morning. They
found NO blockages anywhere!!!! Praise God!!
On the other hand, she has a very weak heart. Her heart
is pumping with half the strength a good heart pumps with.
The cardiologist said there are a couple things that could
be from....either an infection of some sort at one time or
high blood pressure. We already know mom has high blood
pressure....so that is what the dr. is guessing that has
caused her heart to become so weak. So he's keeping her
at the hospital for one more day at least....and they are
starting her on BP meds to keep her BP low. He thinks the
meds will help to strengthen her heart! I just want to
thanks God for giving her the dr. he did. His name is Dr.
Dawkins and he is AMAZING!!! He explained everything to us,
and was so friendly and informative!
Again, thank you so much for your prayers!!! Please keep
praying that mom's heart will recover & become stronger
than ever!!! Love you all!!! God Bless!!!!

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