
Only 3 more days!!!!!!!!!


Only 3 more days until my "Be a Blessing" Contest ends!

Dont' be afraid people! It is a WONDERFUL thing to be

third! (See my side text for details)

Since hearing about this contest from my photog friend
Kathy, I am trying my best to be third. Let me tell you,
it doesn’t come easy to me. I am not perfect by any means.
I struggle with sin, just like any other Christian. I believe
God has put it on my heart to live by this motto,

God 1st, others 2nd, and I’m 3rd!

Photography has been something to get me out of my
“comfort zone”. Through this contest, I get to serve God
and others.

I found a blog the other day that went right along with this
concept. It says,

“What would this world be like if we all did this for each other?
What if we responded out of this to children in need of decent
education and health care? What if employers placed their
employees before profit and the bottom line? What if all of us
responded “God is first, you are second and I am third” to all
who are sick, in prison, lonely or afraid? What would it be like
if we practice that in every circumstance from traffic on the
freeway to how we live our lives of faith? What changes would
it bring about in our lives and in this world? Perhaps what would
change would be this: selfishness would disappear. The world
might move closer then to the image that God has for us—
an image in which we all do live in peace with one another as
brother and sister under God.”

If you are reading my blog today, I know that God wanted you to
read it. I pray & encourage EVERYONE to think about being 3rd.

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