This is a little bit of reverse psychology telling you NOT to vote.
Pretty funny...check it out!
What a fun shoot!
With all that was happening with my mom, I forgot to
post pics from a shoot I did last week. We had a lot of
fun! This was for a dear friend of mine, Gina. Gina was
one of the first people to welcome Hunter and myself
to Barr Reeve last year. She is such a sweetie! She has
one of the prettiest families I've seen! Her girls just
melt my heart!! Olivia, her oldest daughter is BFF with
Hunter. They are two pees in a pod!!! Olivia is just
GORGEOUS!!! I could just stare at her all day!!! LOL
Update on my Mom
were thinking of and praying for my mom!!! You will
never know how much that means to me :) Jesus answered
our prayers this morning!! Thank you Lord!! Mom had a
cardio catherization procedure done this morning. They
found NO blockages anywhere!!!! Praise God!!
On the other hand, she has a very weak heart. Her heart
is pumping with half the strength a good heart pumps with.
The cardiologist said there are a couple things that could
be from....either an infection of some sort at one time or
high blood pressure. We already know mom has high blood that is what the dr. is guessing that has
caused her heart to become so weak. So he's keeping her
at the hospital for one more day at least....and they are
starting her on BP meds to keep her BP low. He thinks the
meds will help to strengthen her heart! I just want to
thanks God for giving her the dr. he did. His name is Dr.
Dawkins and he is AMAZING!!! He explained everything to us,
and was so friendly and informative!
Again, thank you so much for your prayers!!! Please keep
praying that mom's heart will recover & become stronger
than ever!!! Love you all!!! God Bless!!!!
were thinking of and praying for my mom!!! You will
never know how much that means to me :) Jesus answered
our prayers this morning!! Thank you Lord!! Mom had a
cardio catherization procedure done this morning. They
found NO blockages anywhere!!!! Praise God!!
On the other hand, she has a very weak heart. Her heart
is pumping with half the strength a good heart pumps with.
The cardiologist said there are a couple things that could
be from....either an infection of some sort at one time or
high blood pressure. We already know mom has high blood that is what the dr. is guessing that has
caused her heart to become so weak. So he's keeping her
at the hospital for one more day at least....and they are
starting her on BP meds to keep her BP low. He thinks the
meds will help to strengthen her heart! I just want to
thanks God for giving her the dr. he did. His name is Dr.
Dawkins and he is AMAZING!!! He explained everything to us,
and was so friendly and informative!
Again, thank you so much for your prayers!!! Please keep
praying that mom's heart will recover & become stronger
than ever!!! Love you all!!! God Bless!!!!

Quick post for prayers, please!
This is just a quick post to ask for some prayers
for my mom. She was taken down to Jasper hospital
this morning. They think she may have blockage to
her heart. She is in observation right now, and
they already gave her nitroglycerin (sp?) under her
tongue. She has had some blood work done, and will
be getting more tests done later today. Please
uplift her in your prayers today! We know God is
good and He is with my mom right now giving her the
strength she needs!
for my mom. She was taken down to Jasper hospital
this morning. They think she may have blockage to
her heart. She is in observation right now, and
they already gave her nitroglycerin (sp?) under her
tongue. She has had some blood work done, and will
be getting more tests done later today. Please
uplift her in your prayers today! We know God is
good and He is with my mom right now giving her the
strength she needs!

Lark Ranch
I just love Fall! It's my favorite season, by far! I love everything
there is about this time of year.....the cool crisp air, the changing
colors all around, and snuggling close to my hubby!
The other day we took a trip to a local Farm/Ranch. The girls had
a blast. It was packed, but we were still able to do the things we
wanted. Here are a few pics from that day.....
there is about this time of year.....the cool crisp air, the changing
colors all around, and snuggling close to my hubby!
The other day we took a trip to a local Farm/Ranch. The girls had
a blast. It was packed, but we were still able to do the things we
wanted. Here are a few pics from that day.....

Joe and I went to see Fireproof last night. We met up with a couple
of friends Shaya & Jared. Let me tell ya, if you have not seen this
movie...GO!!!!!!! I don't care if you are a strong Christian and your
husband is not, or vise-versa....I don't care if you are not a Christian
but you are curious....GO!!!!!! Take your teens too! Even if you're
just dating/engaged...GO!!!! This movie is amazing!!! It will have
you laughin, crying, and on the edge of your theatre seat!!!
Here is the storyline:
Lt. Caleb Holt lives by the old firefighter's adage: Never leave your
partner behind. Inside burning buildings, it's his natural instinct.
In the cooling embers of his marriage, it's another story. After a
decade of marriage, Caleb and Catherine Holt have drifted so far
apart that they are ready to move on without each other. Yet as
they prepare to enter divorce proceedings, Caleb's dad asks his
son to try an experiment: The Love Dare.While hoping The Love
Dare has nothing to do with his parents' newfound faith, Caleb
commits to the challenge. But can he attempt to love his wife while
avoiding God's love for him? Will he be able to demonstrate love
over and over again to a person that's no longer receptive to his
love? Or is this just another marriage destined to go up in smoke?
Vistit the Fireproof The Movie Site:
Lots of great links on this site!!!

P.S. I changed my playlist to the music from the Fireproof soundtrack ENJOY!
of friends Shaya & Jared. Let me tell ya, if you have not seen this
movie...GO!!!!!!! I don't care if you are a strong Christian and your
husband is not, or vise-versa....I don't care if you are not a Christian
but you are curious....GO!!!!!! Take your teens too! Even if you're
just dating/engaged...GO!!!! This movie is amazing!!! It will have
you laughin, crying, and on the edge of your theatre seat!!!
Here is the storyline:
Lt. Caleb Holt lives by the old firefighter's adage: Never leave your
partner behind. Inside burning buildings, it's his natural instinct.
In the cooling embers of his marriage, it's another story. After a
decade of marriage, Caleb and Catherine Holt have drifted so far
apart that they are ready to move on without each other. Yet as
they prepare to enter divorce proceedings, Caleb's dad asks his
son to try an experiment: The Love Dare.While hoping The Love
Dare has nothing to do with his parents' newfound faith, Caleb
commits to the challenge. But can he attempt to love his wife while
avoiding God's love for him? Will he be able to demonstrate love
over and over again to a person that's no longer receptive to his
love? Or is this just another marriage destined to go up in smoke?
Vistit the Fireproof The Movie Site:
Lots of great links on this site!!!

P.S. I changed my playlist to the music from the Fireproof soundtrack ENJOY!
I like to move it, move it........
Check out the video of Alli Jo last night.....taken with
my cell (sorry about quality) Remember to turn off
my playlist music on the side....
my cell (sorry about quality) Remember to turn off
my playlist music on the side....
It's not too late!!!
Parent Teacher Conference, Slumber Party, Busy Weekend
******************Don't Forget*********************
Only 2 more days until my "Be a Blessing" Contest ends!
Dont' be afraid people! It is a WONDERFUL thing to be third!
(See my side text for details)
This week has been quite busy. Most of our household has
been sick since this past weekend. I'm feeling much better
than I was, and so is Hunter. Alli Jo is still not herself, but
she is one tough cookie!!!
Wednesday night was my parent teacher conference for
Hunter. I didn't worry much b/c Hunter is such a great
student! And I was right...I didn't need to worry. When
I got there her teacher said "this will be short" LOL She
said there's nothing Hunter needs to improve on, she's
a great student! Wow!!! What mom doesn't want to hear
that!!! I am so darn proud of her! She is always wanting
to learn something new & try harder. Her one flaw, that
sometimes can be a good that she is too hard on
herself. She gets so upset if she doesn't get something the
first time! (sort of like her momma)
Last night Hunter went to a fall slumber party. They got
to dress up if they wanted. I was working, so I couldn't
take her to the party....but my mom told me all about it.
Hunter dressed up like Dorothy and may I add, looked
too adorable!!! I guess when they got to the party all the
girls ran out to the van and all of them were in jeans &
sweatshirts (Hunter was in costume). Well Hunter didn't
want to get out of the van she was so embarassed. Well
they opened the door and all the girls were like "wow, you
look so pretty". So they all made Hunter feel good! And they
all wanted to go put their costumes on too! She had a blast!
She now has a blog and posted about it :)
This weekend will be another busy weekend. Tomorrow
morning I have a haircut & color.....I might just go DARK!
I usually go a little darker for the fall/winter. Saturday
afternoon we're heading to the Lark Ranch in Loogootee!
Saturday night a group of us are getting together for some
grub & going to watch Fireproof!!! Sunday I have two
photo sessions! So hopefully all goes as planned, and I fit
sleep in there somewhere! Ha ha
Only 2 more days until my "Be a Blessing" Contest ends!
Dont' be afraid people! It is a WONDERFUL thing to be third!
(See my side text for details)
This week has been quite busy. Most of our household has
been sick since this past weekend. I'm feeling much better
than I was, and so is Hunter. Alli Jo is still not herself, but
she is one tough cookie!!!
Wednesday night was my parent teacher conference for
Hunter. I didn't worry much b/c Hunter is such a great
student! And I was right...I didn't need to worry. When
I got there her teacher said "this will be short" LOL She
said there's nothing Hunter needs to improve on, she's
a great student! Wow!!! What mom doesn't want to hear
that!!! I am so darn proud of her! She is always wanting
to learn something new & try harder. Her one flaw, that
sometimes can be a good that she is too hard on
herself. She gets so upset if she doesn't get something the
first time! (sort of like her momma)
Last night Hunter went to a fall slumber party. They got
to dress up if they wanted. I was working, so I couldn't
take her to the party....but my mom told me all about it.
Hunter dressed up like Dorothy and may I add, looked
too adorable!!! I guess when they got to the party all the
girls ran out to the van and all of them were in jeans &
sweatshirts (Hunter was in costume). Well Hunter didn't
want to get out of the van she was so embarassed. Well
they opened the door and all the girls were like "wow, you
look so pretty". So they all made Hunter feel good! And they
all wanted to go put their costumes on too! She had a blast!
She now has a blog and posted about it :)
This weekend will be another busy weekend. Tomorrow
morning I have a haircut & color.....I might just go DARK!
I usually go a little darker for the fall/winter. Saturday
afternoon we're heading to the Lark Ranch in Loogootee!
Saturday night a group of us are getting together for some
grub & going to watch Fireproof!!! Sunday I have two
photo sessions! So hopefully all goes as planned, and I fit
sleep in there somewhere! Ha ha

Only 3 more days!!!!!!!!!
Only 3 more days until my "Be a Blessing" Contest ends!
Dont' be afraid people! It is a WONDERFUL thing to be
third! (See my side text for details)
Since hearing about this contest from my photog friend
Kathy, I am trying my best to be third. Let me tell you,
it doesn’t come easy to me. I am not perfect by any means.
I struggle with sin, just like any other Christian. I believe
God has put it on my heart to live by this motto,
God 1st, others 2nd, and I’m 3rd!
Photography has been something to get me out of my
“comfort zone”. Through this contest, I get to serve God
and others.
I found a blog the other day that went right along with this
concept. It says,
“What would this world be like if we all did this for each other?
What if we responded out of this to children in need of decent
education and health care? What if employers placed their
employees before profit and the bottom line? What if all of us
responded “God is first, you are second and I am third” to all
who are sick, in prison, lonely or afraid? What would it be like
if we practice that in every circumstance from traffic on the
freeway to how we live our lives of faith? What changes would
it bring about in our lives and in this world? Perhaps what would
change would be this: selfishness would disappear. The world
might move closer then to the image that God has for us—
an image in which we all do live in peace with one another as
brother and sister under God.”
If you are reading my blog today, I know that God wanted you to
read it. I pray & encourage EVERYONE to think about being 3rd.
Only 3 more days until my "Be a Blessing" Contest ends!
Dont' be afraid people! It is a WONDERFUL thing to be
third! (See my side text for details)
Since hearing about this contest from my photog friend
Kathy, I am trying my best to be third. Let me tell you,
it doesn’t come easy to me. I am not perfect by any means.
I struggle with sin, just like any other Christian. I believe
God has put it on my heart to live by this motto,
God 1st, others 2nd, and I’m 3rd!
Photography has been something to get me out of my
“comfort zone”. Through this contest, I get to serve God
and others.
I found a blog the other day that went right along with this
concept. It says,
“What would this world be like if we all did this for each other?
What if we responded out of this to children in need of decent
education and health care? What if employers placed their
employees before profit and the bottom line? What if all of us
responded “God is first, you are second and I am third” to all
who are sick, in prison, lonely or afraid? What would it be like
if we practice that in every circumstance from traffic on the
freeway to how we live our lives of faith? What changes would
it bring about in our lives and in this world? Perhaps what would
change would be this: selfishness would disappear. The world
might move closer then to the image that God has for us—
an image in which we all do live in peace with one another as
brother and sister under God.”
If you are reading my blog today, I know that God wanted you to
read it. I pray & encourage EVERYONE to think about being 3rd.

Just asking for a few prayers today. My mom has walking
pneumonia, and the girls and I have been running fevers
all weekend and today. So needlesss to say we aren't feeling
well and can use some thoughts & prayers.
Also please keep my good friend Lacy and her little boy
Leighton in your prayers. Leighton is in the hospital again
with bad ear infections and 104 degree temp. She said they
may do surgery in the morning (I think) And it took them 7x's
again to get an IV in the poor thing :( So please uplift them in
your prayers today and this week!
pneumonia, and the girls and I have been running fevers
all weekend and today. So needlesss to say we aren't feeling
well and can use some thoughts & prayers.
Also please keep my good friend Lacy and her little boy
Leighton in your prayers. Leighton is in the hospital again
with bad ear infections and 104 degree temp. She said they
may do surgery in the morning (I think) And it took them 7x's
again to get an IV in the poor thing :( So please uplift them in
your prayers today and this week!

I've been tagged........
***Please see the side text for details on my Be a Blessing Contest***
I have been asked to share six random facts about me. I actually was
tagged on a few different blogs LOL So I will kill two birds with one
stone so to speak :)
1. I don't like fruit. Yep, I said it.....I don't like fruit. I don't eat fruit.
Well I only eat one kind of fruit and that's apples (rarely). I didn't
find it odd until I grew up and dr's starting asking me how much fruit
and veggies I eat. I'd always say no fruits but tons of veggies. And I'd
always get a strange look! I've tried every sort of fruit, I just end up
gagging LOL!
2. I know some "mime" tricks LOL I can pretend I'm in a box....and
boy does it really look like I'm trapped in a box. My cousin taught me
this when I was younger. She was actually babysitting trying to
entertain me, and started doing her mime routine, acting like she
was trapped in a box. It was sooooo real looking that I truly thought
she was trapped and ran to call my mom on the phone Ha Ha!
Needless to say I thought it was the coolest thing ever, and made her
teach me! So if you ever want to see me mime, halla! LOL
3. I too, hate rumors, gossip, and being around negative
people. Although I have no regrets about high school and jr. high....
they WERE the worse years of my life. How can your peers make
you feel so horrible, you don't even want to live anymore......well
it's possible. I hope and pray that I can truly help Hunter and Alli
Jo overcome anything while they're growing up. I hope that they
understand most of the people gossiping about you, are just plain
jealous. It goes the same when you grow up as well. You get into a
workplace where you are succeeding better than someone that's
been there longer....and they try to do anything they can to knock
you down. Well, I hope that my girls are never "those" girls.
I hope I raise them better than that!
4. It's no secret I love photography. It is a passion of mine, that I
don't think will ever fade away. The joy I get when I capture that
perfect shot, it gives me chills just thinking about it!
5. I love love love being a mom. Most of you know that I had
Hunter when I was a teen, but most of you may not know that I
PRAYED for "her". Not technically, but God knew what I needed.
I was so down in the dumps, I prayed that SOMETHING would
happen that would change my life forever. At the time I hoped it
would be another guy (different from the one making my life
miserable). But God had bigger plans. He wanted me to grow up
faster than my peers. He gave me a reason to live!
6. Last, but CERTAINLY not least..........I love Jesus Christ with
all my heart. He is my backbone and my strength in my life on this
earth. I cannot WAIT to meet him face to face when I enter
Heaven's Gates!!!
Now, I would like to tag: Jenn Armes, Brenda, and Ali Gish
I have been asked to share six random facts about me. I actually was
tagged on a few different blogs LOL So I will kill two birds with one
stone so to speak :)
1. I don't like fruit. Yep, I said it.....I don't like fruit. I don't eat fruit.
Well I only eat one kind of fruit and that's apples (rarely). I didn't
find it odd until I grew up and dr's starting asking me how much fruit
and veggies I eat. I'd always say no fruits but tons of veggies. And I'd
always get a strange look! I've tried every sort of fruit, I just end up
gagging LOL!
2. I know some "mime" tricks LOL I can pretend I'm in a box....and
boy does it really look like I'm trapped in a box. My cousin taught me
this when I was younger. She was actually babysitting trying to
entertain me, and started doing her mime routine, acting like she
was trapped in a box. It was sooooo real looking that I truly thought
she was trapped and ran to call my mom on the phone Ha Ha!
Needless to say I thought it was the coolest thing ever, and made her
teach me! So if you ever want to see me mime, halla! LOL
3. I too, hate rumors, gossip, and being around negative
people. Although I have no regrets about high school and jr. high....
they WERE the worse years of my life. How can your peers make
you feel so horrible, you don't even want to live anymore......well
it's possible. I hope and pray that I can truly help Hunter and Alli
Jo overcome anything while they're growing up. I hope that they
understand most of the people gossiping about you, are just plain
jealous. It goes the same when you grow up as well. You get into a
workplace where you are succeeding better than someone that's
been there longer....and they try to do anything they can to knock
you down. Well, I hope that my girls are never "those" girls.
I hope I raise them better than that!
4. It's no secret I love photography. It is a passion of mine, that I
don't think will ever fade away. The joy I get when I capture that
perfect shot, it gives me chills just thinking about it!
5. I love love love being a mom. Most of you know that I had
Hunter when I was a teen, but most of you may not know that I
PRAYED for "her". Not technically, but God knew what I needed.
I was so down in the dumps, I prayed that SOMETHING would
happen that would change my life forever. At the time I hoped it
would be another guy (different from the one making my life
miserable). But God had bigger plans. He wanted me to grow up
faster than my peers. He gave me a reason to live!
6. Last, but CERTAINLY not least..........I love Jesus Christ with
all my heart. He is my backbone and my strength in my life on this
earth. I cannot WAIT to meet him face to face when I enter
Heaven's Gates!!!
Now, I would like to tag: Jenn Armes, Brenda, and Ali Gish
Kitchen Pics
I haven't posted any house pictures recently,
so I thought I'd go ahead and post a few I had
on my cell phone from the other day. Sorry for
the crapy resolution.

Microwave is now above the stove
Our cabinet hardware
Microwave is now above the stove
Oh and I forgot to post that Hunter got her ears
pierced the other day while visiting her dad. She
was a trooper!
I'm going to be an aunt again........
Well not "technically" but my BFF and my BGF (Best guy Friend)
Kayla & Craig are expecting their first child in April!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm am beyond excited for them! They have been the best friends
anyone could ask for! They are always there for Joe and I, and the
girls! So now it's our turn to spoil their child Hee Hee!!!!!!
Here's a pic from Alli Jo's b-day party this past summer........
Don't let Alli Jo's face fool you.....she loves them both!! I think
she was wanting down to play in Gattiland Ha ha!
CONGRATULATIONS CRAIG & KAYLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Photoshoot, Puppy, and Baptism
***Please see the side text for details on my Be a Blessing Contest***
Well we had a fun filled weekend! Saturday I got the chance
to take some pictures for Kallie a friend of mine. We went out
to her parent's farm and got some snap shots of her, her sister,
and their children. It was a blast! You can check out a few pics
on my photography blog:
Saturday night Hunter and I decided to hop on the 4-wheeler and
go visit the puppy. Well Darla told us that she was ready to come
with us if we wanted!!!! So of course we took her home........
Miss Lily
Her VERY happy mother
So stinkin cute!!!!!!!!
Then Sunday, we had my nephew's baptism at the catholic church
in Ferdinand. My sister & bro-in-law selected me as his Godmother!
I was so honored! I am so ready to bring him up with Christian values :)
Pictures yet to come......
Well we had a fun filled weekend! Saturday I got the chance
to take some pictures for Kallie a friend of mine. We went out
to her parent's farm and got some snap shots of her, her sister,
and their children. It was a blast! You can check out a few pics
on my photography blog:
Saturday night Hunter and I decided to hop on the 4-wheeler and
go visit the puppy. Well Darla told us that she was ready to come
with us if we wanted!!!! So of course we took her home........
Miss Lily
Her VERY happy mother
So stinkin cute!!!!!!!!
Then Sunday, we had my nephew's baptism at the catholic church
in Ferdinand. My sister & bro-in-law selected me as his Godmother!
I was so honored! I am so ready to bring him up with Christian values :)
Pictures yet to come......
Be a Blessing Contest
I recently visited one of my photography mentor’s blog,
and she had listed a “Be a Blessing Contest”. She had a
wonderful idea to spread the love she had been given,
and give others an opportunity to be a blessing to someone
else. So I asked her if she minded if I would do the same….
and she said of course she didn’t mind.
Throughout the year, I tend to forget how blessed I truly
am. I get caught up in an every-day routine and forget
that WOW, look how much God has blessed me!! I have a
wonderful husband, and two awesome daughters!! We have
a home to live in, clothes to wear, food to eat, and so many
more things we take for granted.
I once read that when we focus on God continually, making
sure to put Him first, the rest will just fall into place. We will
naturally want to serve others and focus less on ourselves.
When we immerse ourselves in His presence, we'll realize
how frivolous our attempts are to constantly satisfy our needs,
and therefore strongly desire to serve Him and our neighbor.
I'll be the first to tell you this isn't easy and I don't always
accomplish it, but I try, and you should to. It’s my desire to
give back to the community, and this is how I will do it………
***If you know of a deserving family that would never book a
photography session with me on their own due to finances or any
other reason, send me an email explaining why you think they
deserve a free sitting fee, all of the digital negatives from their
session, and a 16x20 print of their choice. Here are the official
1. I will take email nominations for two weeks. I must have your
email by midnight on Sunday, October 19th.
2. And like my mentor Kathy, I am also a softy and would end
up shooting several free sessions; I won't be the one who decides
which family is the most deserving. I will have a panel of five
judges that I trust deeply, and they will choose the winner.
3. The family you nominate must live w/in 50 miles of my hometown
(Montgomery, Indiana).
Kathy McCloy, my photog mentor, said she was once told that you
should always live with an "I'm third" outlook on life.
God first, others second, and yourself third.
Now's your chance to be third... so get to typing!!!!!
and she had listed a “Be a Blessing Contest”. She had a
wonderful idea to spread the love she had been given,
and give others an opportunity to be a blessing to someone
else. So I asked her if she minded if I would do the same….
and she said of course she didn’t mind.
Throughout the year, I tend to forget how blessed I truly
am. I get caught up in an every-day routine and forget
that WOW, look how much God has blessed me!! I have a
wonderful husband, and two awesome daughters!! We have
a home to live in, clothes to wear, food to eat, and so many
more things we take for granted.
I once read that when we focus on God continually, making
sure to put Him first, the rest will just fall into place. We will
naturally want to serve others and focus less on ourselves.
When we immerse ourselves in His presence, we'll realize
how frivolous our attempts are to constantly satisfy our needs,
and therefore strongly desire to serve Him and our neighbor.
I'll be the first to tell you this isn't easy and I don't always
accomplish it, but I try, and you should to. It’s my desire to
give back to the community, and this is how I will do it………
***If you know of a deserving family that would never book a
photography session with me on their own due to finances or any
other reason, send me an email explaining why you think they
deserve a free sitting fee, all of the digital negatives from their
session, and a 16x20 print of their choice. Here are the official
1. I will take email nominations for two weeks. I must have your
email by midnight on Sunday, October 19th.
2. And like my mentor Kathy, I am also a softy and would end
up shooting several free sessions; I won't be the one who decides
which family is the most deserving. I will have a panel of five
judges that I trust deeply, and they will choose the winner.
3. The family you nominate must live w/in 50 miles of my hometown
(Montgomery, Indiana).
Kathy McCloy, my photog mentor, said she was once told that you
should always live with an "I'm third" outlook on life.
God first, others second, and yourself third.
Now's your chance to be third... so get to typing!!!!!
I wanna go home.........
This is what Alli Jo has been saying the last couple of
nights at the new house.....Mommy, I wanna go home!
I told her this IS our new home. She said she wants to
go to mamaw's house. I told her she can stay with g-ma
during the day, but at night we have to come to our new
house. Needless to say, she's not loving the house at
night time! It's so hard for her to fall asleep!
I have to admit it isn't easy on me either. I didn't think
I'd ever say I don't like a bigger house....but laying down
in bed too far from my baby girls is TOUGH! I feel like
I'm an eternity away (a little exaggerated). The only good
part of the night, is that once the girls are asleep, they have
not woke up until morning time. Praise God! lol
I know it's going to take time, it's just hard. Building a
home has been one of the hardest things I've done in my life!
And I've had two children!!!!!!! Haha!
nights at the new house.....Mommy, I wanna go home!
I told her this IS our new home. She said she wants to
go to mamaw's house. I told her she can stay with g-ma
during the day, but at night we have to come to our new
house. Needless to say, she's not loving the house at
night time! It's so hard for her to fall asleep!
I have to admit it isn't easy on me either. I didn't think
I'd ever say I don't like a bigger house....but laying down
in bed too far from my baby girls is TOUGH! I feel like
I'm an eternity away (a little exaggerated). The only good
part of the night, is that once the girls are asleep, they have
not woke up until morning time. Praise God! lol
I know it's going to take time, it's just hard. Building a
home has been one of the hardest things I've done in my life!
And I've had two children!!!!!!! Haha!
How your day can change.........
I realize that working in customer service at any business, you're
going to get customers that just aren't happy no matter what! But
when a customer calls in and is being a complete JERK, it just
makes your day start out horrible!
I just want to ask that if you ever call into a company that you feel
has done you wrong, talk nicely!!!!!! I bet you will get what you
want more than if you start cussing at them like the gentleman this
morning! I can imagine after the disrespect he has given just about
everyone in my department, we will be pulling his internet
equipment! We own the equipment and have every right to pull it!
So sorry buddy, but you might want to get some class!!!!!!!
Another thing that makes it even worse is when a customer calls in
here, and I'm talking to someone I know.....They might not even
know it's me that they're talking to.....but they continue to gripe you
out. I've had this happen on several occations. One thing that is even
worse, is when it's fellow "Christians" from my church! It really makes
you question they're sincerity!
Sorry for the vent.....just had to get it all out!
So please remember when you're calling into a business to complain,
it may not be THAT person's fault that you're having trouble. You can
let someone know you're upset without cussing at them!
going to get customers that just aren't happy no matter what! But
when a customer calls in and is being a complete JERK, it just
makes your day start out horrible!
I just want to ask that if you ever call into a company that you feel
has done you wrong, talk nicely!!!!!! I bet you will get what you
want more than if you start cussing at them like the gentleman this
morning! I can imagine after the disrespect he has given just about
everyone in my department, we will be pulling his internet
equipment! We own the equipment and have every right to pull it!
So sorry buddy, but you might want to get some class!!!!!!!
Another thing that makes it even worse is when a customer calls in
here, and I'm talking to someone I know.....They might not even
know it's me that they're talking to.....but they continue to gripe you
out. I've had this happen on several occations. One thing that is even
worse, is when it's fellow "Christians" from my church! It really makes
you question they're sincerity!
Sorry for the vent.....just had to get it all out!
So please remember when you're calling into a business to complain,
it may not be THAT person's fault that you're having trouble. You can
let someone know you're upset without cussing at them!
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