
Turkey Trot 08

Last Friday we went to a local festival called The Turkey Trot.
I know there are several out-of-towners that read my blog, so
I will explain a little....The reason it's called turkey trot is to
help draw attention to the thousands of turkeys raised in our
county. It is always held in September and I believe it's always
the weekend after labor day. Festivities start on Thursday
nights and end Sunday. It includes turkey races, exhibits,
tractor pulls, horse pulls, live entertainment, carnival rides,
mud volleyball, and many other attractions.

I completely forgot that I had a couple pictures
on my cell phone from the girls riding some rides.

We usually spend the entire weekend up at Turkey Trot...
but this year Joe was working on the house the entire
weekend. The girls and I picked up Kayla (my BFF)
and we went for a little while. I do have to admit it was
some of the nicest weather I ever remember @ Turkey Trot!

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