WOW 5 weeks already!

Last Wednesday Miss thing turned 5 weeks old!!
As if I didn't need to bring out my camera before....Stella
reached a BIG milestone and started to smile and coo
for REAL!
The more I talked to her the more the smiles came =)
It just melts my heart to look down and see her toothless
grin, grinning from ear to ear! I can be sleep-deprived to
the fullest and seeing her smile at me just makes it all
worth it!
Stella is still nursing every 3-4 hours. In the middle of the
night it's 3 hrs on the DOT! It's like she has a little alarm
clock going off! I'm looking forward to the long stretches
between feedings =)
We have been enjoying all of our days home together!
Hunter has been at school durning the week, but Alli Jo,
Stella and I have have been having a blast. If we're not
doing photo shoots (haha) we are reading or listening to music,
and recently "school" with Alli Jo. I have started to teach her
how to write her letters. She can already write her name, CAT,
and MOM. Along with the letters A,B,C,D,E so far =) It's so
amazing how fast she learns!
I will leave you with a few pics of Alli Jo...that is if you even
recognize her LOL