
T Minus 70 days

Today I am 30 weeks preggo =) Hard to believe I have only
10 weeks or less until I meet baby Robinson A.K.A. Stella.
After seeing her on the 3D ultrasound, I feel more than
ready to be her mommy. I cannot wait until the day I
can hold her and introduce her to her daddy and sisters
who are overjoyed to meet her as well!
This past weekend I finally got all of her clothes hung up.
I still haven't bought anything brand new for Miss S, all
of her clothes are either her sisters or from yard sales. But
they are the cutest clothes eva! lol I will however probably buy
her a new dress to wear home from the hospital =)
I need to get to wal-mart and just buy all of her necessities,
baby shampoo, lotions, diapers, wipes, etc. Other than
that I think we're set!!
So on my last post I posted about having gestational diabetes.
This week I've tested my blood sugar every day, 4x's a day.
My numbers have come down some with diet, but not to what
they "should" be. I meet with the doc Friday, we'll see what
he says. It really hasn't been hard cutting out the sugar/sweets
b/c I haven't craved them at all this pregnancy. It's the carbs
that is tough =( Anything for my little princess tho!
I meet with a dietician today to go over some meal plans, etc.
I finally got to feeling "myself" again after the pneumonia. I
got some of my energy back...and just in time! Hunter got the
flu last week and was pretty much "out of it" for a week =(
Thanks to my awesome mom, we quarantined her to one
bedroom and bathroom and nobody else got sick...thank God!
Alli Jo has been getting sinus infections again, and I was hoping it
wouldn't be so many since she had her tonsils out last spring.
She still snores quite a bit as well, so I'm hoping with time that
will all go away...poor girl!
There hasn't been many other body changes, except for this
ever growing belly! I cannot sleep at night and it is getting harder
and harder to turn in bed. I have very painful ligament pains, sort
of like "popping" when I turn in bed. I also have some cramping
which I know is just "growing pains" so to speak. And I dont' have
to even mention how many times I use the restroom in the middle of
the night LOL
Here's what's going on with Stella this week:
Your baby's about 15.7 inches long now, and she weighs almost
3 pounds. A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds her, but
that volume will decrease as she gets bigger and takes up more
room in your uterus. Her eyesight continues to develop, though
it's not very keen; even after she's born, she'll keep her eyes
closed for a good part of the day. When she does open them,
she'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision —
which means she can only make out objects a few inches from her face.


Susie said...

I remember being 30 weeks pregnant with my #3...It's where you have to dig down deep and know you can make it to the end. At 30 weeks, with it being the 3rd pregnancy, having to take care of 2 other children, that round tummy and all it's weight pulling on your body every which way and the baby inside going every which way, it can take a toll on you! But then you remember that sweet baby inside makes it all worth it! Pregnancy is such a roller coaster! Just make sure you are taking time to put your feet up!! Literally! Praying the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly!! Can't wait to see pics of baby Stella with her beautiful sisters! I was just thinking too...it's kind of GIRLS RULE over there in your neighborhood isn't it???

Chelsa said...

i love hearing about your pregnancy b/c i feel so much of the same way!!

i can't believe you only have 10 weeks (or less!) to go! It seems to me like your pregnancy is going fast!

I have 13 1/2 to go (i'm def. on the countdown!) lol.

Ashley said...

Whoa...10 weeks!!! It is getting so close. Hopefully the dietician can help lower that blood sugar even more with some diet education. I didn't know Hunter was even sick...poor girl. That is a nasty flu and is spreading so fast. Glad nobody else and especially you didn't get sick!