
Looking for a gift idea.................

There's nothing more that I love, than my portraits on
my walls of my two girls. When you look at a photo it
automatically brings you back to that day, that moment!
It is such a precious memory frozen in time! So what better,
than to get your loved ones a portrait session for Christmas!

I'm now selling gift certificates for my photography. If you
would like to purchase a certificate in the amount of a
session fee ($40)or more (would go towards portraits selected),
let me know! Please note these can be used to purchase portraits
for those that have already had a session with me, but wished
they could have ordered more!

My photography sessions will be starting back up in March if
not sooner, once my studio is complete! Don't forget that
Maternity & Newborn sessions are still on-going! These
certificates will be good up until December of 2009!
So don't miss out!!!